Monday, August 6, 2007

August 2007: D1/23

There are 23 workout days left in August, so that's how I'm going to keep track. (Don't mind my anal-retentiveness; it's not catching.) If I manage to hit every one of them, I' myself an iPod? (no, wait, got one) Heart rate monitor? (no, cheaper to get the battery replaced in my old one) Cute workout shorts! Oh, let's not kid ourselves; I buy cute workout shorts at any opportunity. Um, so I guess I'll just have to settle for the satisfaction of having a green bar on every workout day in my Google Calendar, and this is actually a very satisfying reward, because I am a GIANT NERD.

4:00 pm
30 min run

CM and I just joined a YMCA near our house, and I already have a membership with a YWCA near work, so now I REALLY have no excuse ever to miss a workout. I did a 10 min warmup jog on the rooftop track (tiny, but useful) and CM mentioned that my warmup is now faster than what my regular run pace used to be. Woohoo! Apparently I've been doing something right. The other 20 min was a pretty gentle 2 run/2 walk on the treadmill. Nothing too taxing for my first time out in three weeks, since tomorrow is a more intense weights/intervals session.

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