Sunday, January 13, 2008

Run 14 of 67: 3 miles easy

Distance: 5 km
Time: 35 minutes
Course: Loop from home

Started out a bit too fast, I think, but that's what happens when you're cooped up all day with nothing to do but procrastinate. I really need to see about getting this run in before noon; it's killing my productivity to put it off until the afternoon.

The run itself was fine. The slight uphill at the midpoint of the run is no longer daunting, but I still struggle with remembering that getting to the stoplight at the bottom of the hill is not actually the end of the run, that there's another 400 metres to go from that point. I fixate on the light, and then find the last few hundred metres to be really mentally difficult.

I've had to ban potato chips completely from my diet; the word "moderation" just does not exist in the same room as me when I'm confronted with the divine delectability that is a full-sized bag of Original Lay's. Dinner tonight will be homemade pizza, and then I'm starting a 12-day cleanse tomorrow: no dairy, fermented foods or flour products.

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