Sunday, September 16, 2007

September 2007: D5/21


10:00 AM
5K run

Today we ran the Terry Fox Run! Turns out our local version only had a 1K and 5K run, instead of the 10K I had been expecting. Oh well. I haven't run since last weekend, so 5K was enough for me. It was a little drizzly, which is perfect for running, and I never really got into a groove, but I did run the entire distances instead of wimping out partway for a walk break. Go peer pressure!

Why, you ask, did I not get my runs in last week? Well, let me enlighten and amaze. We did go out on Tuesday night, and I was feeling pretty good after the first mile, until I rolled my right ankle and fell at a stoplight. Yep, caught my toe on a manhole cover and collapsed in on myself like an imploded building. Ugh. I have a horrible great scrape on my left knee, and my right ankle was swollen for three days. It still aches a bit, but was okay enough for the run this morning.

I feel like such a pansy ass, and I'm starting to accept that I likely won't be running the whole 21 kilometres of the half-marathon in November, given my immensely inconsistent training to date.

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