Thursday, February 21, 2008

Run 30 of 67: 2 miles easy

Distance: 2 miles
Time: 23:00
Course: Loop from home

It's been an odd week. I got about two hours of sleep on Monday night, and dragged through Tuesday, leaving work early and having an early evening nap. I completely forgot that I was supposed to run that day. That hasn't happened in awhile.

Today I left work early again, and decided to run from home. I've just been exhausted all week, and was thinking that I would do the missed Tuesday run today, and then do the tempo run tomorrow.

Edited to add: Nope, no Friday tempo run. Just too frickin' tired.

I hadn't eaten anything since lunch, and was feeling pretty sorry for myself when I headed out. Suck it up, buttercup. It's barely more than 20 minutes of running. I had no jam while running, but since things have gotten to the point that a 2-mile run is a warmup, I just slapped myself a little bit and cranked this one out.

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