Sunday, August 10, 2008

Seattle Half 08 - Run 3 of 63

Distance: 5.86 mile long
Time: 1:16
Course: Loop from home

When I'm being coached, I do whatever the coach says to do, but left to my own devices, I tend to shy away from pain, or even the possibility of pain. I'm not afraid of pain itself; I think it's more that I don't trust myself to know where the line is between pushing hard into the zone where you break down and improve your muscles, and the redline zone where you just break down. I'm terrified of hurting myself, and that's keeping me from trying harder.

I guess it comes down to not wanting to take a risk. But I'm pumped up now from watching two days of Olympics coverage, and I'm thinking that I probably know enough about my body now to start bumping up the intensity in an intelligent manner.

Today's run was listed as a 6-mile long run at a 13:00 minute pace. I went out a little too fast for the warmup, managed the big hill at about a 14:00 minute pace, and walked twice to ease off some persistent numbness on the ball of my left foot. According to the Garmin, my pace wavered quite a bit between 11:30 and 13:30. I wonder if part of that is because when I run with CM, he tends to change up the pace so that his legs don't fall into the same slow rhythm.

I concentrated on going easy, which for me means barely noticeable breathing. Today felt good.

The upcoming week looks like this: 2 miles easy on Tuesday, 5 miles speed on Thursday, and 6 miles long on Sunday. FOCUS, DISCIPLINE, ATTITUDE.

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