Sunday, December 30, 2007

Run 8 of 67: 30 minutes

I hit the local Sport Mart a few days ago and dropped some cash on new workout clothes, to replace the ones I've had for the past, um, three years: 3 Adidas workout bras, 2 Nike running tanks, 1 Adidas running shirt, 2 pairs of shorts and 1 pair of running capris. I'm a little ashamed to admit that having cute new clothes is a motivator, but there it is: I'm shallow. :P The shirt and tanks are a little more form-fitting than I was expecting, so I'll be saving those for next month, when I'm feeling a little more confident.

Got a stitch about partway through and had to walk for a minute, but other than that, 30 minutes at an easy 5 mph nets me a total of 2.5 miles. I watched The Sound of Music while I ran on the treadmill, but was listening to my Shuffle workout mix. Julie Andrews lip-synching to Christina Aguilera's Dirrrty. Hee.

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