Sunday, January 6, 2008

Run 11 of 67: 3 miles easy

Third run of the year, third run outside. We ran a 5K loop from the house in about 38 minutes. The loop ends on a hill, which probably explains why I feel a little nauseous right now. There were two stoplight breaks at approximately the 1 mile and 4 km points, but other than that I ran the whole way through. I do find it's a lot easier to run the whole way when there's someone else there; you don't want to slow other people down unnecessarily.

I've decided to adjust the schedule so that I don't go more than a day without a workout. I was feeling pretty antsy yesterday and could have benefited from burning some energy. Starting next week, I've dropped in a 30-minute light weights workout on Saturday mornings.

Body observations: my calves have regained their definition, and my hips are looking a lot less, um, hippy.

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