Tuesday, August 7, 2007

August 2007: D2/23

2:00 PM
TT Weights Workout
A1) DB split squat 3x8 @ 20 lbs
A2) DB incline press 3x8 @ 20 lbs
B1) Stability ball leg curl 3x15
B2) Pushup 3x15
C1) Stability ball jacknife 3x10
C2) DB rear delt raise 3x10 @ 8 lbs/8 lbs/5 lbs

So, when I said I wasn't going to obsess over meal plans, you knew I couldn't actually stick to that, right? I just can't help it; I find that it's extremely positive feedback to review what I've been eating over the past few days so that I stay motivated to avoid the sour cream and onion chips in favour of a brown rice cake topped with soy cheese melted over salsa (ok, that sounds kind of gross, but is actually pretty good).

7:00 AM - 1/2 cup blueberries, 1/2 cup FF plain yogurt, 2 cups coffee
9:45 AM - 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1 oz raisins
12:00 PM - 1/2 cup canned corn, 1/2 cup white rice, 2 oz steak
3:15 PM - 3/4 cup blueberries
4:00 PM - 1/2 cup canned corn, 1/4 cup white rice, 2 oz steak
7:30 PM - 4 chicken wings, 4 mini Swedish meatballs, the last of the wedding cake!

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